
What about the new coronavirus COVID-19

The advice many people will hear now is to be more ventilated, wash your hands frequently, avoid partying, and wear a mask. why? Because now the world is suffering from the new coronavirus COVID-19. What is a coronavirus? Coronavirus can cause respiratory infections in humans. The previous case was SARS, now called COVID-19. Its main transmission method is coughing and sneezing between people, close contact with infected people or contact with infected surfaces. Then spread through mouth, nose or eyes. Coronavirus can produce a range of symptoms, including fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, and runny nose. When you encounter these symptoms, don't be nervous. You will not know the results until you go to the hospital for an examination. It may be just a common disease.
What about the new coronavirus COVID-19
New coronavirus outbreaks occurred in Wuhan, China, and in the face of this situation, the Chinese people are always positive. Because the new coronavirus is transmitted through the mouth, nose, or eyes, in China we require that people not be isolated at home, ventilated, wash their hands frequently, and go out without a problem. Wear a mask to prevent new coronavirus. Now in China, we have stabilized the new coronavirus. From the cumulative diagnosis of 81623 to the present, there are only 5504 confirmed diagnoses. Under such a trend, I believe China will soon win the war against viruses.
But people in many countries are also infected with the new coronavirus, and the trend is very rapid. Excluding China, there are now more than 200,000 diagnosed patients, so many countries have also developed appropriate responses to prevent new coronaviruses after gaining experience in Chinese cases. This is a struggle between humans and viruses. No one can avoid it. We should all face it. Sooner or later, we humans will be victorious. For example, SARS came so fast, but in the end, we humans won.
In the face of the virus, we should not panic. We should maintain a good attitude. From the current data, the chances of cure are very high, and as long as the precautionary measures are done well, the virus will not approach us. We must believe that we can defeat this war perfectly . Let's cheer together.


Amazon bans unnecessary items in its warehouse

Amazon is banning its warehouses from stocking nonessential items during the coronavirus pandemic. The online retail giant is placing restrictions on the types of merchandise it will carry in its warehouses through April 5.
Faced with merchandise shortages in the United States and Europe due to the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic, Amazon has instituted sweeping changes on which products it will store and ship from its warehouses over the next three weeks, in a move it said was aimed at keeping essential items in stock and speeding up orders.
 Amazon bans unnecessary items in its warehouse
Early Tuesday morning, Amazon said it would be “temporarily prioritizing household staples, medical supplies, and other high-demand products coming into our fulfillment centers so that we can more quickly receive, restock and deliver these products to customers.”
By “prioritizing,” Amazon means it will no longer accept new shipments to its warehouses for discretionary items through April 5. During that time, Amazon will continue to sell all types of products on its websites, but sellers listing discretionary items will have to store and ship them on their own if they aren’t already in, or on their way to, an Amazon warehouse as of Tuesday.
The company said most of the products it was still accepting from third-party sellers and wholesale vendors fall into one of six categories: baby products, health and household, beauty and personal care, grocery, industrial and scientific, and pet supplies. The messages were sent to third-party sellers who store goods in Amazon warehouses through the Fulfillment by Amazon program, as well as wholesale vendors who sell goods directly to Amazon, which then resells those goods to customers.
“We are seeing increased online shopping, and as a result, some products, such as household staples and medical supplies, are out of stock,” an Amazon spokesperson said in a statement.
“We understand this is a change for our selling partners and appreciate their understanding as we temporarily prioritize these products for customers,” the spokesperson added.
With governments across the globe recommending and even mandating that people stay inside during the pandemic, more shoppers are turning to Amazon to stock up rather than visiting brick-and-mortar stores. But the rush of shopping in select categories has meant frequent out-of-stock messages for items ranging from hand sanitizer and hand soap to face masks, as well as sellers taking advantage of low supply by attempting to price-gouge customers.
We will definitely survive the Covid-19 Coronavirus pandemic, and trust our medical institutions, come on.
Yeahui is a connector supplier with 11 years of experience in developing high quality connectors and wiring harnesses. wo have many types of products, including obd connector, circular connector, agricultural connector and so on.We can meet the requirements of various customers. Feel free to learn more about connectors or buy our connectors,looking forward to your message.

​Artificial Intelligence Drives Autonomous Cars

For an automobile to be autonomous, it needs to be continuously aware of its surroundings—first, by perceiving (identifying and classifying information) and then acting on the information through the autonomous/computer control of the vehicle. Autonomous vehicles require safe, secure, and highly responsive solutions which need to be able to make split-second decisions based on a detailed understanding of the driving environment. Understanding the driving environment requires an enormous amount of data to be captured by myriad different sensors across the car, which is then processed by the vehicle's autonomous driving computer system.
Artificial Intelligence Drives Autonomous Cars
For the vehicle to be truly capable of driving without user control, an extensive amount of training must be initially undertaken for the Artificial Intelligence (AI) network to understand how to see, understand what it's seeing, and make the right decisions in any imaginable traffic situation. The compute performance of the autonomous car is on par with some of the highest performance platforms that were only possible just a few years ago.
The autonomous vehicle is projected to contain more lines of code than any other software platform that has been created to date. By 2020, the typical vehicle is expected to contain more than 300 million lines of code and will contain more than 1 TB (terabytes) of storage and will require memory bandwidth of more than 1 TB per second to support the compute performance necessary for autonomous driving platforms.
A self-driving car's AI system requires a continuous, uninterrupted stream of data and instructions in order to make real-time decisions based on complex data sets. Successful self-driving vehicles exist on the road today, however the success of many of these early vehicles is the result of repeatedly driving the same route consistently over many days, where they learn every detail of the route and generate high-resolution maps that are then used as a key part of the self-navigation system.
With less reliance on needing to recognize the route, the attention of the autonomous computer can be paid to traffic, pedestrians and the other potential real-time hazards. This generally restricted range of operation is referred to as geo-fencing, and reflects the approach that early self-driving vehicles are embracing in deploying vehicles that are truly driverless. While geo-fencing can lead to a solution that can work over a limited route, an autonomous vehicle with heavy reliance on geo-fencing in one part of the world may not function as well in another.
Under the influence of self-driving, many industries have been rapidly developed. As connectors are necessary for system equipment, the demand will also increase.Yeahui is a connector supplier with 11 years of experience in developing high quality connectors and wiring harnesses. wo have many types of products, including obd connector, circular connector, agricultural connector and so on.We can meet the requirements of various customers. Feel free to learn more about connectors or buy our connectors,looking forward to your message.


What does a world with self-driving cars look like

Companies continue to invest despite the setbacks because self-driving cars, when they happen, will change a lot for the world — and make their creators lots of money.
Many consumers will want to upgrade. Imagine being able to read or doze off during your morning drive to work or on long car trips. It also seems likely that taxi and ride-hailing companies will offer self-driving cars, rather than paying drivers (in fact, companies like Uber are betting on it). Self-driving cars should also make a huge difference for Americans with disabilities, many of whom can’t get a driver’s license and have trouble getting to work, the store, and doctor’s appointments.
What does a world with self-driving cars look like
Experts disagree on whether self-driving cars will change anything fundamental about car ownership in America. Some argue that people won’t need to own a car if they can order one on their phone and get a timely robot ride anywhere.
Others have pointed out that people generally still own a car even in areas with good ride-share coverage and that self-driving cars might not be any different. Polls suggest that most Americans don’t want to be driven to work by a self-driving car — but that might change fast once such cars actually exist. Gallup polling on this question found a small share (9 percent) of Americans who’d get such a car right away, with a larger contingent (38 percent) saying they’d wait a while, and half holding steadfast that they’d never use one.
Over time, our infrastructure will likely change to make it easier for self-driving cars to navigate, and in fact, some researchers have argued that we won’t have widespread self-driving cars until we’ve made major changes to our streets to make it easier to communicate information to those cars. That would be expensive and require nationwide coordination, so it seems likely that it would follow the widespread introduction of self-driving cars rather than precede it.
Under the influence of self-driving, many industries have been rapidly developed. As connectors are necessary for system equipment, the demand will also increase.Yeahui is a connector supplier with 11 years of experience in developing high quality connectors and wiring harnesses. wo have many types of products, including obd connector, circular connector, agricultural connector and so on.We can meet the requirements of various customers. Feel free to learn more about connectors or buy our connectors,looking forward to your message.
More about self-driving(How exactly do self-driving cars work).


How exactly do self-driving cars work

Engineers have been attempting prototypes of self-driving cars for decades. The idea behind it is really simple: Outfit a car with cameras that can track all the objects around it and have the car react if it’s about to steer into one. Teach in-car computers the rules of the road and set them loose to navigate to their own destination.
How exactly do self-driving cars work
This simple description elides a whole lot of complexity. Driving is one of the more complicated activities humans routinely do. Following a list of rules of the road isn’t enough to drive as well as a human does, because we do things like make eye contact with others to confirm who has the right of way, react to weather conditions, and otherwise make judgment calls that are difficult to encode in hard-and-fast rules.
John Krafcik, CEO of Waymo, presents a self-driving car at Wed Summit in Lisbon, Portugal, on November 7, 2017.
And even the simple parts of driving — like tracking the objects around a car on the road — are actually much trickier than they sound. Take Google’s sister company Waymo, the industry leader in self-driving cars. Waymo’s cars, which are fairly typical of other self-driving cars, use high-resolution cameras and lidar (light detection and ranging), a way of estimating distances to objects by bouncing light and sound off things.
The car’s computers combine all of this to build a picture of where other cars, cyclists, pedestrians, and obstacles are and where they’re moving. For this part, lots of training data is needed — that is, the car has to draw on millions of miles of driving data that Waymo has collected to form expectations about how other objects might move. It’s hard to get enough training data on the road, so the cars also train based on simulation data — but engineers have to be sure that their AI systems will generalize correctly from the simulation data to the real world.
That’s far from a complete description of the systems at work when a self-driving car is on the road. But it illustrates an important principle to keep in mind when wondering where our self-driving cars are: Even the “easy” things turn out to hide surprising complexity.
Under the influence of self-driving, many industries have been rapidly developed. As connectors are necessary for system equipment, the demand will also increase.Yeahui is a connector supplier with 11 years of experience in developing high quality connectors and wiring harnesses. wo have many types of products, including obd connector, circular connector, agricultural connector and so on.We can meet the requirements of various customers. Feel free to learn more about connectors or buy our connectors,looking forward to your message.

How 5G and IoT will affect the auto industry

Autonomous cars (and other vehicles, such as trucks) may still be years away from widespread deployment, but connected cars are very much with us. The modern automobile is fast becoming a sensor-laden mobile Internet of Things device, with considerable on-board computing power and communication systems devoted to three broad areas: vehicle location, driver behaviour, engine diagnostics and vehicle activity (telematics); the surrounding environment (vehicle-to-everything or V2X communication); and the vehicle's occupants (infotainment). All of these systems use cellular -- and increasingly 5G -- technology, among others.
How 5G and IoT will affect the auto industry
Although 5G networks are still a work in progress for mobile operators, the pace of deployment and launches is picking up. By the end of 2019, according to the GSA (Global mobile Suppliers Association), 61 operators in 34 countries had launched one or more 3GPP-compliant 5G services. Of those, 49 operators had launched 5G mobile services, while 34 had launched FWA (Fixed Wireless Access) or home broadband services. Furthermore, the GSA said, 77 operators had deployed 3GPP-compliant technology in their networks and 348 operators in 119 countries were investing in 5G.  
3GPP Release 16, which is due to be finalised by mid-2020, is an important milestone because it completes phase 2 of the 5G specification, catering for standalone networks that deliver not only enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB) and FWA, but also ultra-reliable low-latency communication (URLLC, important for automotive use cases) and massive machine-type communication (mMTC, important for IoT use cases). Rel 16 also includes specifications around cellular V2X (C-V2X), covering areas like platooning, extended sensors, automated and remote driving.
Work is now underway on Rel 17, which will include: enhancements to low-power wide-area connectivity (NB-IoT); a new feature called NR Light, which will cater for low-power/high-bandwidth wearable and IoT devices; support for millimetre-wave spectrum above 52.6GHz; MIMO enhancements; and support for non-terrestrial (satellite) networks.
Under the influence of 5G and the Internet of Things, many industries have been rapidly developed. As connectors are necessary for system equipment, the demand will also increase.Yeahui is a connector supplier with 11 years of experience in developing high quality connectors and wiring harnesses. wo have many types of products, including obd connector, circular connector, agricultural connector and so on.We can meet the requirements of various customers. Feel free to learn more about connectors or buy our connectors,looking forward to your message.


The impact of 5g and iot on smart cities

Smart cities is another sector already benefiting from the impact of 5G and IoT.  
"I used to have a guy come and measure my water meter manually; now they're installing systems so that you can do this remotely," said iBASEt's Poonian. "With my gas meter, I'm now starting to get data analytics on how I'm performing against my peers and trying to create cost-saving programs."
 The impact of 5g and iot on smart cities
While that's a current use case, IoT endpoints will become even more powerful with 5G connectivity, allowing for more insights across greater distances. For example, using crowdsourced information, the technology can evaluate traffic patterns throughout the city and direct crowds to open parking garages via apps in their cars, Patron said.
"Think of silly situations like big football games where everyone is struggling to find a parking place, particularly in city centers where there's not a lot of parking," Patron said. "Or think of much more dire situations like storms or natural disaster. [5G and IoT] could redirect people and even control the streetlights for evacuations."
The collaboration between 5G and IoT will not only help develop existing projects, but will create use cases never before considered.


Internet of Things and 5G

IoT devices use a variety of methods to connect and share data, although most will use some form of wireless connectivity: homes and offices will use standard Wi-Fi, Zigbee or Bluetooth Low Energy (or even Ethernet if they aren't especially mobile); other devices will use LTE (existing technologies include Narrowband IoT and LTE-M, largely aimed at small devices sending limited amounts of data) or even satellite connections to communicate. However, the vast number of different options has already led some to argue that IoT communications standards need to be as accepted and interoperable as Wi-Fi is today.
Internet of Things and 5G
One area of growth in the next few years will undoubtedly be the use of 5G networks to support IoT projects. 5G offers the ability to fit as many as one million 5G devices in a square kilometre, which means that it will be possible to use a vast number of sensors in a very small area, making large-scale industrial IoT deployments more possible. The UK has just started a trial of 5G and the IoT at two 'smart factories'. However, it could be some time before 5G deployments are widespread: Ericsson predicts that there will be somewhere around five billion IoT devices connected to cellular networks by 2025, but only around a quarter of those will be broadband IoT, with 4G connecting the majority of those.
One likely trend is that, as the IoT develops, it could be that less data will be sent for processing in the cloud. To keep costs down, more processing could be done on-device with only the useful data sent back to the cloud – a strategy known as 'edge computing'. This will require new technology – like tamper-proof edge servers that can collect and analyse data far from the cloud or corporate data center.
Under the influence of the Internet of Things, many industries have been rapidly developed. As connectors are necessary for system equipment, the demand will also increase.Yeahui is a connector supplier with 11 years of experience in developing high quality connectors and wiring harnesses. wo have many types of products, including obd connector, circular connector, agricultural connector and so on.We can meet the requirements of various customers. Feel free to learn more about connectors or buy our connectors,looking forward to your message.
Read more about the connectors(What about privacy and the Internet of Things).


What about privacy and the Internet of Things

With all those sensors collecting data on everything you do, the IoT is a potentially vast privacy and security headache. Take the smart home: it can tell when you wake up (when the smart coffee machine is activated) and how well you brush your teeth (thanks to your smart toothbrush), what radio station you listen to (thanks to your smart speaker), what type of food you eat (thanks to your smart oven or fridge), what your children think (thanks to their smart toys), and who visits you and passes by your house (thanks to your smart doorbell). While companies will make money from selling you the smart object in the first place, their IoT business model probably involves selling at least some of that data, too.
What about privacy and the Internet of Things
What happens to that data is a vitally important privacy matter. Not all smart home companies build their business model around harvesting and selling your data, but some do.
And it's worth remembering that IoT data can be combined with other bits of data to create a surprisingly detailed picture of you. It's surprisingly easy to find out a lot about a person from a few different sensor readings. In one project, a researcher found that by analysing data charting just the home's energy consumption, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide levels, temperature, and humidity throughout the day they could work out what someone was having for dinner.
Under the influence of the Internet of Things, many industries have been rapidly developed. As connectors are necessary for system equipment, the demand will also increase.Yeahui is a connector supplier with 11 years of experience in developing high quality connectors and wiring harnesses. wo have many types of products, including obd connector, circular connector, agricultural connector and so on.We can meet the requirements of various customers. Feel free to learn more about connectors or buy our connectors,looking forward to your message.
Read more about the connectors(What about Internet of Things security).

What about Internet of Things security

Security is one the biggest issues with the IoT. These sensors are collecting in many cases extremely sensitive data -- what you say and do in your own home, for example. Keeping that secure is vital to consumer trust, but so far the IoT's security track record has been extremely poor. Too many IoT devices give little thought to the basics of security, like encrypting data in transit and at rest.
What about Internet of Things security
Flaws in software -- even old and well-used code -- are discovered on a regular basis, but many IoT devices lack the capability to be patched, which means they are permanently at risk. Hackers are now actively targeting IoT devices such as routers and webcams because their inherent lack of security makes them easy to compromise and roll up into giant botnets.
Flaws have left smart home devices like refrigerators, ovens, and dishwashers open to hackers. Researchers found 100,000 webcams that could be hacked with ease, while some internet-connected smartwatches for children have been found to contain security vulnerabilities that allow hackers to track the wearer's location, eavesdrop on conversations, or even communicate with the user.
Governments are growing worried about the risks here. The UK government has published its own guidelines around the security of consumer IoT devices. It expects devices to have unique passwords, that companies will provide a public point of contact so anyone can report a vulnerability (and that these will be acted on), and that manufacturers will explicitly state how long devices will get security updates. It's a modest list, but a start.
When the cost of making smart objects becomes negligible, these problems will only become more widespread and intractable.
All of this applies in business as well, but the stakes are even higher. Connecting industrial machinery to IoT networks increases the potential risk of hackers discovering and attacking these devices. Industrial espionage or a destructive attack on critical infrastructure are both potential risks. That means businesses will need to make sure that these networks are isolated and protected, with data encryption with security of sensors, gateways and other components a necessity. The current state of IoT technology makes that harder to ensure, however, as does a lack of consistent IoT security planning across organisations. That's very worrying considering the documented willingness of hackers to tamper with industrial systems that have been connected to the internet but left unprotected.
The IoT bridges the gap between the digital world and the physical world, which means that hacking into devices can have dangerous real-world consequences. Hacking into the sensors controlling the temperature in a power station could trick the operators into making a catastrophic decision; taking control of a driverless car could also end in disaster.
The Internet of Things is the only way for our development. For its security, I believe that we can develop software to resist hacking in the near future.Yeahui is a connector supplier with 11 years of experience in developing high quality connectors and wiring harnesses. wo have many types of products, including obd connector, circular connector, agricultural connector and so on.We can meet the requirements of various customers. Feel free to learn more about connectors or buy our connectors,looking forward to your message.


the benefits of the Internet of Things for consumers

The IoT promises to make our environment -- our homes and offices and vehicles -- smarter, more measurable, and... chattier. Smart speakers like Amazon's Echo and Google Home make it easier to play music, set timers, or get information. Home security systems make it easier to monitor what's going on inside and outside, or to see and talk to visitors. Meanwhile, smart thermostats can help us heat our homes before we arrive back, and smart lightbulbs can make it look like we're home even when we're out.
the benefits of the Internet of Things for consumers
Looking beyond the home, sensors can help us to understand how noisy or polluted our environment might be. Self-driving cars and smart cities could change how we build and manage our public spaces.
For consumers, the smart home is probably where they are likely to come into contact with internet-enabled things, and it's one area where the big tech companies (in particular Amazon, Google, and Apple) are competing hard.
The most obvious of these are smart speakers like Amazon's Echo, but there are also smart plugs, lightbulbs, cameras, thermostats, and the much-mocked smart fridge. But as well as showing off your enthusiasm for shiny new gadgets, there's a more serious side to smart home applications. They may be able to help keep older people independent and in their own homes longer by making it easier for family and carers to communicate with them and monitor how they are getting on. A better understanding of how our homes operate, and the ability to tweak those settings, could help save energy -- by cutting heating costs, for example.
Under the influence of the Internet of Things, many industries have been rapidly developed. As connectors are necessary for system equipment, the demand will also increase.Yeahui is a connector supplier with 11 years of experience in developing high quality connectors and wiring harnesses. wo have many types of products, including obd connector, circular connector, agricultural connector and so on.We can meet the requirements of various customers. Feel free to learn more about connectors or buy our connectors,looking forward to your message.
Read more about the connectors(What is an example of an Internet of Things device).

​What is an example of an Internet of Things device

Pretty much any physical object can be transformed into an IoT device if it can be connected to the internet to be controlled or communicate information.
What is an example of an Internet of Things device
A lightbulb that can be switched on using a smartphone app is an IoT device, as is a motion sensor or a smart thermostat in your office or a connected streetlight. An IoT device could be as fluffy as a child's toy or as serious as a driverless truck. Some larger objects may themselves be filled with many smaller IoT components, such as a jet engine that's now filled with thousands of sensors collecting and transmitting data back to make sure it is operating efficiently. At an even bigger scale, smart cities projects are filling entire regions with sensors to help us understand and control the environment.
The term IoT is mainly used for devices that wouldn't usually be generally expected to have an internet connection, and that can communicate with the network independently of human action. For this reason, a PC isn't generally considered an IoT device and neither is a smartphone -- even though the latter is crammed with sensors. A smartwatch or a fitness band or other wearable device might be counted as an IoT device, however.
Under the influence of the Internet of Things, many industries have been rapidly developed. As connectors are necessary for system equipment, the demand will also increase.Yeahui is a connector supplier with 11 years of experience in developing high quality connectors and wiring harnesses. wo have many types of products, including obd connector, circular connector, agricultural connector and so on.We can meet the requirements of various customers. Feel free to learn more about connectors or buy our connectors,looking forward to your message.
Read more about the connectors(The Internet of Things).

The Internet of Things

What is the Internet of Things?
The Internet of Things, or IoT, refers to the billions of physical devices around the world that are now connected to the internet, all collecting and sharing data. Thanks to the arrival of super-cheap computer chips and the ubiquity of wireless networks, it's possible to turn anything, from something as small as a pill to something as big as an aeroplane, into a part of the IoT. Connecting up all these different objects and adding sensors to them adds a level of digital intelligence to devices that would be otherwise dumb, enabling them to communicate real-time data without involving a human being. The Internet of Things is making the fabric of the world around us more smarter and more responsive, merging the digital and physical universes.
The Internet of Things
The application field of the Internet of Things involves all aspects, making limited use of resources more rationally allocated, thereby improving industry efficiency and effectiveness. The applications in areas closely related to life have greatly improved from the scope of services, service methods to the quality of services, greatly improving people's quality of life; in the field of defense and military, although it is still in research At the exploration stage, the impact of the application of the Internet of Things cannot be underestimated. The embeddedness of the Internet of Things technology has effectively enhanced military intelligence, informationization, and precision, greatly enhanced military combat effectiveness, and is the key to future military reforms.
Under the influence of the Internet of Things, many industries have been rapidly developed. As connectors are necessary for system equipment, the demand will also increase.Yeahui is a connector supplier with 11 years of experience in developing high quality connectors and wiring harnesses. wo have many types of products, including obd connector, circular connector, agricultural connector and so on.We can meet the requirements of various customers. Feel free to learn more about connectors or buy our connectors,looking forward to your message.
Read more about the connectors(production reliability of the connector).


Design reliability of the connector

Connectors are important components of various electrical systems and are mainly responsible for signal and power transmission. The importance is self-evident, so we need to put their reliability first when designing connectors. So where does the design reliability of the connector manifest itself?
Design reliability of the connector
Reasonable selection
Material selection is an important prerequisite to ensure the electrical performance and reliability of the electrical connector. The material used in the electrical connector determines the upper limit of the operating temperature, and the decisive factor is the insulating material, the sealing material used for the environmentally sealed electrical connector, the adhesive material, the shell Body and contact materials. Material selection involves the mechanical, electrical, environmental and other performance requirements of the connector and the physical and chemical properties of the material itself. Among them, the thermal properties of materials (heat-resistant temperature, thermal conductivity, high-temperature strength, thermal deformation, etc.) are the main factors that must be considered in the design. Electrical connector insulators are made of different insulating materials, and their electrical properties such as insulation and voltage resistance are also significantly different. In selecting electrical connector housings and contacts, in addition to considering conductivity, thermal conductivity, and structural rigidity, the electrochemical compatibility and hardness matching of the mating and contact materials should also be considered.
Structure of the connector
The structure of the connector is an important factor that determines the reliability of the product. A reasonable structure not only avoids errors, but also improves the stability of the structure. The confidential connection between the system and the connector can prevent signal and power loss. Therefore, when designing the connector, you must also consider the fixation of the connector to prevent the connector from falling off.
Yeahui is a connector supplier with 11 years of experience in developing high quality connectors and wiring harnesses. wo have many types of products, including obd connector, circular connector, agricultural connector and so on.We can meet the requirements of various customers. Feel free to learn more about connectors or buy our connectors,looking forward to your message.


What to pay attention to when producing terminal connectors

The current terminal connector applications are very common, especially in the industrial field. Different types of terminal connectors have different application requirements. There are also factors that need to be kept in mind when producing terminal connectors.
What to pay attention to when producing terminal connectors
You should know that the terminal is an accessory product for industrial production of electrical components. Its main function is to facilitate the connection of wires. Therefore, it is also divided into the scope of connectors in the process of industrial development, and it also becomes a terminal connector, which means that it functions An important part of industrial production plays the role of a connector, which is not only convenient for production, but also conducive to improving production efficiency as the main purpose.
In addition, according to the process of industrialization, wire connections and signal transmission have already been realized. But how can the transmission process be guaranteed? That is the purpose of designing the terminal, that is, the important role of the terminal connector.
It should be noted that the terminal connector mainly completes the transmission task by the tightness of the connection of the terminal itself on the mother body. The degree of combination of the terminal inserted into the mother body and the mother body is an important criterion for considering its performance, and it is also the main way to exert performance. If the combination is not tight, then failure will occur, affecting factors such as production.
Yeahui is a connector supplier with 11 years of experience in developing high quality connectors and wiring harnesses. wo have many types of products, including obd connector, circular connector, agricultural connector and so on.We can meet the requirements of various customers. Feel free to learn more about connectors or buy our connectors,looking forward to your message.
Read more about the connectors(Improve connector performance).


Improve connector performance

For connector manufacturers, in addition to their productivity, they also care about the quality of their products. When it comes to product quality, many aspects are involved, such as the problem of high-speed micro-pitch interconnect performance of connectors. Do you know how to improve this performance of the product?
Improve connector performance
1. For connector products, in the early stages of design, multiple simulation cycles are performed to accurately quantify product performance before starting expensive processing.
2. When mating the connector, minimize stubs in the contact area. The longer the stub, the better the reliability, but the stub is an electrical load like an antenna.
3. Simplify contact points and improve signal path performance.
4.Short lead length to reduce signal loss
5. Add asymmetric footprints and contacts as much as possible, because the alternating design reduces the pair-wise crosstalk between pin rows and rows.
6. Optimize the connector branch area (BOR). Think of connectors as the key nodes in a link, not only about the nodes, but also about the links.
7. Where space permits, incorporate a common ground plane into the connector.
8. The choice of plastic molding will obviously affect the performance of the connector. These properties should be carefully considered: high temperature plastic suitable for RoHS, matching Dk to obtain the required impedance control, dimensional stability over temperature and time.
9. The shorter and straighter the signal path and connector contact, the better the signal integrity performance. But the balancing effect is that the connector must have sufficient normal force and withdrawal force, and it must also have a certain degree of robustness.
Yeahui is a connector supplier with 11 years of experience in developing high quality connectors and wiring harnesses. wo have many types of products, including obd connector, circular connector, agricultural connector and so on.We can meet the requirements of various customers. Feel free to learn more about connectors or buy our connectors,looking forward to your message.
Read more about the connectors(Common insulation materials).

Common insulation materials

When using connectors, we have given the most consideration to safety, because if an accident occurs and the consequences are serious, a fire will occur. Therefore, in the manufacturing process, we need to consider the insulation material of the connector. There are three types of insulation materials that are more commonly used.
Common insulation materials
PBT material, generally used PBT material is added with 20% to 30% glass fiber, has the ability to resist cracking impact, anti-electricity, good abrasion resistance, low friction coefficient, good lubrication effect, oil and chemical resistance Good drug properties. It still has good dielectric strength under high temperature and high humidity. Its shrinkage ratio is between about and 60 ° C. Its temperature resistance is about degree. It has good moldability and flame resistance. Most of the plastic materials of current connector manufacturers choose PBT This plastic.
ABS material, it has good impact toughness, oil resistance, abrasion resistance, relatively easy to form, good rigidity, good rigidity, and its temperature resistance is about 100 degrees, generally used for auxiliary products in connectors.
LCP material, LCP material has a temperature resistance between 290 and 320, but its water absorption is large, and it is generally used for products with high temperature resistance and less pitch.
Yeahui is a connector supplier with 11 years of experience in developing high quality connectors and wiring harnesses. wo have many types of products, including obd connector, circular connector, agricultural connector and so on.We can meet the requirements of various customers. Feel free to learn more about connectors or buy our connectors,looking forward to your message.

The impact of COVID-19 on the economy

The pandemic has shone a light on a deeply divided workplace: the highly paid, salaried graduate elites on one side, and the workers in dea...