
Connector's knowledge

After years of development and advancement of electronic information technology, connectors have become the key components of current or signal connection. Although the connector products are small in size, simple in function and structure, but the connectors are numerous, large in number, and most of the electronic connectors. Engineers often face the following dilemmas:

Connector's knowledge

1. Electronic connector engineers will be confused in the design of problems and treatment methods that need to be considered in addition to functions.
2. Reasonable selection of product routine experimental items, analysis of test results and response methods are not well understood.
3. It is difficult to give a targeted solution to the failure analysis that occurs in the application of the product.
In addition to the key technical difficulties of the connector, on the other hand, the reliability of the product can not be ignored, including the reliability design, evaluation and testing of the product. Many times people are discussing the importance of quality or reliability in connector products, while others believe that good quality connector products represent a high reliability of the connector. This view is wrong. The reason why people have this view is that there is no overall understanding and understanding of the connector. In fact, 90% of the connector technology requirements are the same or figured out. The technical division of the connector products is to master the connector technology. Effective means.
The birth of new connector products requires two types of technologies: design technology and manufacturing technology, where the manufacturing technology is not unique to the connector, but part of all the manufacturing techniques required for connector manufacturing. The expertise and technology of the connector itself is applied to the connector design, so mastering the expertise of the connector is a must for the design engineer. New energy vehicle connectors, rail transit connectors, aerospace connectors, etc., which we commonly see, are divided from a market perspective.
On the other hand, from a technical point of view, connectors should be divided into two categories: high-current high-voltage power connectors and low-current low-voltage signal connectors; from the design goal, the connectors can be divided into functional design and Reliability design. Therefore, the above said: the technical division of the connector is an effective means to master the connector technology, the basic rules of the connector technology can be combed and mastered in a short time, but the reliability design requires more energy to Research and promotion.
Yeahui is a connector supplier with 11 years of experience in developing high quality connectors and wiring harnesses. wo have many types of products, including obd connectors, circular connectors, agricultural connectors and so on.We can meet the requirements of various customers. Feel free to learn more about connectors or buy our connectors,looking forward to your message.



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