
Why connectors have advantages over hardwiring

Nowadays most people like to use connectors instead of hard wires, so why is this happening? What are the advantages of connectors?
1. Installation time
Hardwired control cabinets in a row or larger switchgears must be disassembled to transportable sizes before they can be sent out to customers in the supply chain or directly to the construction sites. For re-assembling, customers tend to hire electricians or subcontractors who are often less familiar with the equipment itself and the special tools than the original manufacturer’s teams. This can eventually lead to failed on-site tests and lengthy re-evaluation processes.
2. Labor Costs
Hardwiring often leads to extra labor costs. The assembling, testing and repair of components takes a lot of time and efforts, requiring staff with special skills. The use of connectors dramatically reduces costs, since it increases efficiency and allows for savings of time and labor.
3. Maintenance
Using connectors instead of hardwiring, power generation and transmission facilities and their subsystems are easier to maintain. In the field, the service teams simply have to uncouple parts from the applications and replace them by pretested new ones.
4. Design and lead time
Using modules, power, control, and data transmission can take place side-by-side in one connector. The related contacts and inserts are designed for high-voltage/current, thermocouple, Profibus or Ethernet transmission. The modular principle increases the flexibility and saves space on the equipment, making it much easier for specialists to design the applications in the grid according to the latest technologies and trends, such as digitalization, modularization or miniaturization.
Yeahui is a connector cable supplier with 11 years of experience in developing high quality connectors and wiring harnesses. wo have many types of products, including obd cablecircular connector, agricultural connector and so on.We can meet the requirements of various customers. Feel free to learn more about connectors or buy our connectors,looking forward to your message.
Read more about the connectors(How to place the cable reasonably in a car).



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