
The connector manufacturers' market trends

Connector manufacturers from China and Taiwan occupy almost the dominant position in the Asian connector market. In recent years, multimedia and AV connectors have driven the connector market, resulting in a rapid increase in connector production. In addition, connector suppliers in China and Taiwan have increased their investment in production and technology innovation, and have further expanded their connector applications, focusing on the integration of new connectors and multi-device interfaces. However, the market development trend of connector manufacturers in China and Taiwan varies from region to region.

connector manufacturer

China has already controlled the low-end connector market, however, it has gradually entered the mid-range market and carried out technological reforms to increase its competitiveness in Asia while ensuring quality and lowering prices. China Electronics Components Association Connector Branch estimates that global demand for connectors will reach 33%, an increase of 5% year-on-year. The significant development of connectors is closely related to the increase in electronic devices in China. The vast market for mainstream Chinese computers, telecommunications and fiber optic models has also contributed to the simultaneous development of the connector industry. Currently, China has a full range of connectors.

The connector industry is one of Taiwan's major industries. According to the report of the Taiwan Industrial Technology Research Institute, the total output value of connectors reached 3.7 billion US dollars in 2006, an annual increase of 500 million US dollars, which played an important role in Taiwan's economic development. . At present, Taiwan's connector manufacturers focus on developing and manufacturing high-end products such as RF, HDMI and memory cards. They choose to produce low-end connectors in factories in China, and carry out strict product testing and quality control processes different from China. In addition, many major Taiwanese companies have invested heavily in test equipment and even used the same method to maintain RoHS-compliant equipment. As a result, Taiwan connector suppliers have obtained international quality certification, and their brands are recognized worldwide. They are able to gain market share.

Yeahui Electronics Co., Ltd. is a connector manufacturer with 11 years of production experience. We have various types of connectors, the main business is custom connectors and wiring harnesses, the main products are obd connectors, circular connectors and so on. Feel free to contact us at sales1@obdiicable.com.



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