
Talking about the influence of mobile phone industry in Taiwan connector manufacturer

In recent years, the connector industry has penetrated into the mobile phone manufacturing industry. It is believed that the industry is growing, market demand is gradually increasing, and the mobile phone industry is eager to become a market opportunity. Strictly speaking, Taiwan connector manufacturers entering the mobile phone connector manufacturing industry have become More disadvantageous to the advantage.

connector manufacturer

When comparing Taiwan's mobile phone industry with the personal computer industry, it is not difficult to see that Taiwan connector manufacturers have entered the mobile phone industry quite late, and the market has entered a mature stage. Due to the saturation of Taiwan's PC industry, most Taiwanese companies have poured into the mobile phone industry, which makes them vulnerable and inexperienced. It is not easy to enter the mobile phone industry at this time.
The mobile phone industry lacks an assembly market, and Taiwanese mobile phones are sold as products to end users, meaning that there is neither an assembly market nor production and processing capabilities. Compared with the PC industry, there is no pressure in building brand and retail systems. Small and medium-sized connector manufacturers can be boldly involved in operations, and the mobile phone industry clearly has greater obstacles in this regard. The lack of flexibility in parts and components is also a major drawback in the mobile phone industry. Mobile phone component manufacturers use different soldering techniques and splicing methods, and even solder the internal components of the phone, making maintenance very difficult.
In addition, the PC system is relatively independent and consists of many modular products, such as motherboards, expansion slots, etc., which are of a high standard. These components are flexible and have convenient benefits for connector manufacturers and consumers. Manufacturers can reasonably replace parts according to different consumer needs, and consumers can also obtain more reliable protection in product maintenance.
The inconsistency of the mobile phone architecture is the same as the inelasticity of the parts, and the mobile phone is a closed system. If the architecture is inconsistent, there is no single design, which poses a greater obstacle for Taiwan connector manufacturers. Early entry into the reserve price period has become a major challenge for product development. For the PC industry that has entered saturation, entering the low price period is necessary to ease the pressure, and the low price prompts the PC industry to re-examine itself and continue to develop and innovate.
However, for the increasingly mature mobile phone industry, low price is a kind of pressure. It will not only affect the external market, but also limit its own ability. For Taiwan connector manufacturers who have just joined the mobile phone industry, the trend of low prices is low. Not only is it synonymous with throwing wet blankets, but it can also lead to downfall. This is precisely because of the rapid development of the mobile phone industry, the competition in Taiwan and other regions has intensified, and it has brought enormous challenges to enterprises that are changing the mobile phone industry. To make enterprises gain advantages, it is not enough to obtain funds.
Yeahui is a connector supplier with 11 years of experience in developing high quality connectors and wiring harnesses. wo have many types of products, including obd connectors, circular connectors, agricultural connectors and so on.We can meet the requirements of various customers. Feel free to learn more about connectors or buy our connectors,looking forward to your message.
Read more about the connectors(How to design a safe auto connector).



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